Saturday, February 23, 2008

ENGAGE! Laura and Justin!

We'd been rained out for Laura and Justin's engagement session on our first try but I think it ended up working out well because the day we shot was quite possibly the most beautiful day of the year! We began at 10 a.m. They had had a little catastrophe earlier in the morning when Justin broke the coffee maker though I never heard whether they had gotten coffee out of it first. I don't drink coffee, but I've been a first hand witness to people who have missed their coffee and it isn't a pretty site. These two seemed fine though they kept making funny remarks about the loss of the coffee maker.

Justin had very sensitive eyes so the morning light was killing him, so we did a good deal of work around to try and make it easier on his eyes. I spent eight years living in the desert and understand the eyes desire to squint when it is bright very well. Despite the coffee maker incident, the images turned out fabulously!

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