Saturday, September 22, 2007

ENGAGE! Carolyn and Alex!

In August Carolyn and Alex got married in Houston, but chose me to finish the job and photograph them in their wedding clothes in Austin after their wedding photographer neglected to shoot very many pictures of the two of them at their wedding. Maybe I'm confused about all of this stuff, but aren't the bride and groom the most important people at the wedding?

I have got to get myself a uniform like this for special occasions! It just screams, "I am important and should be listened to!" At least that's what I was hearing the whole time I was shooting these too.

In one of my many odd statements to help them relax and laugh and smile, I told them how I am the Jack Bauer of wedding photography with my bizarre antics and running around and yelling. To make my point hit home I yelled at the top of lungs, "DROP THE GUN!" on the Capital Grounds in my best Jack Bauer impression. This was not one of my brighter moments as Alex pointed out to me that the state troopers at every entrance and roaming around the grounds probably wouldn't take kindly to my very good quality Jack Bauer impression.

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