Saturday, July 14, 2007

TWO RINGS BIND THEM: Charlie and Derek in McKinney!

Charlie? A girl named Charlie? I had to ask a couple times on the phone to make sure I had her name right. She and her fiance Derek had their wedding in McKinney a little north of Dallas and invited us to shoot and experience their very different rehearsal dinner party where their friends and family came out with shotguns and volleyballs for some skeet (clay pigeons) shooting and guys vs girls volley ball on the rain soaked marsh of the groom's grandparents ranch. It was a great deal of fun!

Derek was a Longhorn at UT in Austin and had a great ring from winning against USC which is in their engagment shoot somewhere in the past on this blog. His family was somewhat obsessed with this and very proud of him.

The next day their wedding prep began at their church. Their reception was short as the newlyweds needed to get on the road to Galveston to board a cruise ship for their honeymoon the next day. Ah, people after my own heart.

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